Social media job: a 5 minute guide from

Social media marketing is a social media world where new social media jobs born every day.

Thanks to this infographic, created by, we can summarize the different job positions and the main features of social media marketing.
A social media marketing infographic by

B2B Marketing: a new social network for B2B Marketing specialist

B2B Marketing Social Network is the first social network created for B2B Marketing specialists.

What can you do with B2B Marketing Social Network?

You can share your contents, publicize your activity, find new customers, create partnerships, organize workshops, promote events and more over.

It's a good solution for social media marketing, networking, B2B strategy: you can customise your profile and create groups and forums, share photos and videos.

Social Media Marketing numbers: a Mashable infographic

An infographic summarizing the numbers and the trends of social media marketing (from Mashable).

You can see: infographics and numbers of Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare; results of social media campaigns; general metrics. You can use these data to create your perfect social media marketing strategy.

The colossal numbers of this infographic (Coca-Cola had 86.5 million impressions for a Promoted Trends on Twitter, a video of Old Spice had 22 million Pageviews in a week) sound impressive, but is not sure that these numbers reflect in revenue.

Social media marketing manager: a trained professional or an expert of information technology?

Perhaps top social media marketing manager should possess both characteristics: be a marketing and communication professional, preferably with a degree, and have good skills and knowledge of web tools and informatics.

Needs to break down the role in two forms:
1) social media: knowledge of
social networks and their tools to comunicate;
2) marketing: skills in market and customers target analysis.

A top social media marketing manager should also possess good knowledge of blogging, videomaking, website development.

What skills should a social media marketing manager have?

The key players of web marketing

Who are the key players of web marketing?

A good strategy for web marketing needs cooperation and synergy between some key professional players:

  • webmaster: also called web architect or web developer, his role is to coordinate the planning, ongoing development, maintenance, and accessibility of the website thanks to his knowledges and skills about scripting languages, server administration;
  • web designer: he has graphic skills and knowledges about graphic softwares, like Photoshop or Corel Draw; he cooperates with the webmaster to realize the best usability for the website;
  • content manager: also called web copywriter, responsible of editing, managing and publishing content about product/services of a company or news and information of a specific theme; he knows very well content management systems funcions, like Joomla, and blogging software, like Wordpress or Blogger;
  • SEO specialist: search engine optimization is essential for a optimal web marketing strategy; he can improve the visibility of a website in search engines with indexing activities and search engine marketing strategies like website promotion in order to increase the number of the backlinks to the website or pay-per-click advertising; he has basic knowledge of HTML code and has marketing skills;
  • web analyzer: his statistics ability allow him to monitor and analyze the visits of website; he can identify the optimal structure of the website to increase the "rate of conversion" of the visitors;
  • e-mail marketing specialist: cooperating with the web designer and the content manager he creates e-mail messages, choose the correct target for the message and analyzes the reply of the audience;
  • web marketing manager: he coordinates all the previous roles to realize the marketing strategy, his goal is to increase the "rate of conversion" of website visitors to one or more objectives and not only their absolute number; he has strongs abilities in marketing and communication and he responds directly to the marketing manager.
Moreover there are often some mixes of different roles. Recently are growing some new key players specialized in social media marketing: the social media marketing manager or community manager, the videomaker and the digital and communication manager. Hereafter we will talk about them.

Facebook Marketing Strategy: Why send an update to your fans page?

Your fan can see your updates from the wall of your page or in their news feed. But today news feed of your fans are full of content, because every day they become fan of a new page.
Then draw the attention of fans is increasingly difficult: but you can use update to reach your fans when you want.
Sending an update is similar to sending newsletter, then you must use it with caution and cleverness. For example you should send an update once a week or once a month.
You can target updates to reach a specific category of people who are fan of your page or fans, including fans of a specific geographical area.
When you have sent the update remember to check Facebook Insights and see users and interactions changes!
Then send an update to your fans page can help you to increase fans attachment.

The secret of marketing on Facebook

Information is the secret of marketing on Facebook: profiles, pages, groups are a set of personal information very difficult to reach from conventional marketing research.
The coming of viral marketing changed the channels of information: if advertising agencies make market research using especially polls and interviews, asking information to people, on Facebook people are offering own  information directly to the community.

What is the kind of available information on Facebook?

Like button is an important index of pages popularity, but also an indicator of people interests, passions and aspirations.
The interaction between people is the core of information exchange and this is an essential requirement for gain success on facebook pages. The share button is used to interact with friends and people on Facebook.
It's more important a high interaction rate than a high number of fans in a page: Facebook Insights is an statistic analytical section of interaction between fan on facebook pages.

What kind of strategy?

To reach information through facebook pages there are several marketing strategies: first of all monitoring fan posts and comments on the dashboard and on the discussions; then use Facebook Insights to know trends of fan's activities; finally make polls to know exactly people's preferences about products, services and others trends.

What about future?

Facebook will launch soon a new application called "Facebook Questions": with this app everyone will be able to ask questions and make polls directly on the social network.
While internet information is growing, a new web marketing search is born: "social search" or "social search engine" focused on information of social network.

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